Golden Triangle Council of the Blind

Vision: To continue to be recognized as the leading advocacy organization in the greater Pittsburgh area on all issues relative to everyday activities of people who are blind or visually impaired. The aim of all of our efforts is to encourage people to achieve their potential as valued members of society.

During regular monthly meetings, GTCB members conduct organizational business and discuss current issues relevant to blindness. GTCB is governed by directors and officers who are all active members of the organization. We are a nonprofit group supported by donations and money raised by the membership.

We strive to involve ourselves in projects that will enhance our ability to be active and productive members of society, and we serve as an informal support group for our members. We stay abreast of local state and federal legislation that affects blind people, and members are encouraged to maintain regular contact with their legislators regarding pertinent issues.

Who can join: Any person over 18 years of age who lives in the Pittsburgh area and does not currently belong to a similar organization is welcome to apply for membership in GTCB.

For further information, call us at 412-343-9900. You will hear a recording, listing announcements about upcoming meetings and other related information. Feel free to leave a message, and one of our members will promptly return your call.

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